Flat A, 5/F, Kam Man Fung Factory Building
6 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

售價並不包括運費, 稅項及手續費.

Very very very rare and very very very hard to find Shindo Lab Garrard 301 turntable motor.

Shindo Lab Garrard 301 is base on Garrard 301 turntable motor unit, use with their tailor made turntable platter, spindle and spindle house set.

Type: Ider wheel turntable
Speed: 33 1/3, 45 and 78 rpm
AC voltage: AC-110V and AC-220V 50Hz
(Change motor pully can use in 60Hz)

For sell item is Shindo Lab Garrard 301 turntable motor only, not included Final turntable mat, Utopis plinth and Ortofon RMA-309i tonearm which shown on sample photos.

More detail sample photos please visit:

Goods sold are not returntable. Subject to terms and conditions exchange of goods can be considered.