Flat A, 5/F, Kam Man Fung Factory Building
6 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

售價並不包括運費, 稅項及手續費.

Rare and hard to find moving coil cartridge which order made by Japanese audiophile factory Hibino Electro Sound Inc Japen, Zenn (禪) at '80.

Type: Moving coil cartridge
Output: 0.5mV
Stylus pressure: 2.0~3.0 gram (Recommend 2.5 gram)
Frequency response: 10~30,000Hz
Channel separation: 25dB/1kHz
Channel balance: 1.0dB
Compliance 9× 10-6cm/dyne 
Internal impedance: 8 ohm
Stylus: 0.3×0.8mil Line contract
Cantilever: Aluminum alloy
Net weight: 8.8 gram

Goods sold are not returntable. Subject to terms and conditions exchange of goods can be considered.