Flat A, 5/F, Kam Man Fung Factory Building
6 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

售價並不包括運費, 稅項及手續費.

Yesterday and today's Japanese analog HIGH END brand name Glanz. Glanz G-7 was their TOP OF THE LINE MF cartridge model available from 1977~1985.

A vision of NEW phono cartridge by Gianz at 1977:
It's not a moving magnet cartridge, but it give very high efficiencythe use of step up transformer. And offer high compliance while requiring a low tracking force to track all signal. It's not a moving coil system either. Although it does offer a very flat frequency response extending beyone the high end limit of the audio spectrum. And its reproduction of the treble range is suerb. And it had a very low impendance that works with virtually any amplifier. The NEW Moving Flux cartridge has a vision of sound all its own. And a new design -cylindrical-, combining headshell and cartridge in one body to eliminate all possibility of harmful resonance.

Glanz G-7 cartridge with M-5 stylus, comes with original protect guard. Not included Audio Technica headshell holder which shown on sample photos.

Type: Power generation method MF type
Output: 3mV (5 cm / sec 1kHz)
Stylus pressure range: 1.5 gram +/- 0.25 gram
Frequency response: 10~50,000Hz
Channel separation: 25dB 1kHz
Compliance: 12x 10-6 cm / dyne
Internal impedance: 2K ohm / 1kHz
Net weight: 19 gram
M-5 Stylus: 0.3x 0.7 mil

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