Flat A, 5/F, Kam Man Fung Factory Building
6 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

售價並不包括運費, 稅項及手續費.

Rare '70 famous Swden audiophile speaker system product Audio Pro B2-50 ACE subwoofer system.

ACE = Amplifier Controlled Euphonic

Type: 1 way 2 drivers with built in electronic crossover with amplifier subwoofer system
Frequency Response: 20Hz~200Hz
Sensitivity: 100dB
Sub Bass: 2x 6.5 inches
Enclosure: 50 litre
Dimensions: W462x H538x D444mm
Net weight: 28kg
Note: Onboard power amplfiier with Europe type 5-pole DIN plug
Power output: 80W
AC voltage: AC-117V, AC-220V, AC-235V & AC-250V internal changeable 50/60Hz, now work in AC-220V 50/60Hz

Goods sold are not returntable. Subject to terms and conditions exchange of goods can be considered.